Lean Canvas Creator

made with ❤️ by A.B. Samma

Read Me

11th June 2020 at 12:19pm

The Lean canvas creator allows you to create lean canvases for your lean project or startup. Press the button to your right to create your first project. You can take this notebook with you as a single file html to use on the go by clicking the save button to your right.

To use this plugin in your own tiddlywiki notebook or Maarfapad hosted notebook, download the files:

and import them into your notebook, then save and refresh.

Or, drag and drop this link into your notebook.

For more information on what the Lean canvas is, click here

Change Log

  • 11th June 2020, new version 0.2.2 with minor fix to adding Existing Alternatives item. Previous version labelled such items as 'Solution item' instead of 'Existing Alternative item
  • 26th January 2020, new version 0.2.1 of the plugin is available. Includes a small change to title naming for new canvases. Previously would be labelled as "New Canvas". Now the title will take the given name of the project, plus "Canvas".
  • 14th January 2020, 0.2.0 of the plugin.